Retamar „Cuba. La Fotografia de los Anos 60“


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Cuba. La Fotografia de los Anos 60.

Von Roberto F Retamar. Spanisch / Englisch.

Fotoarbeiten von:

Raul Corrales / Ernesto Fernandez / Mario Garcia Joya / Alberto Korda / Osvaldo Salas

„Significantly, the pictures are not arranged in a chronological order, as an illustration of what happened in the early years of the Revolution. In my view, this emphasizes the fact that they are works of art by specific authors. that is the way painters, say, exhibit their work. This is no way implies disregard for their enormous documentary value. I insist that a photograph is an invitation to perceive things and not the things themselves.“ Roberto Fernández Retamar [introduction]


Fototeca de Cuba, La Habana / Cuba, Broschur, 1988, 95 Seiten.

-Auflage, Jahr, Fassung kann abweichen-


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