Ho Chi Minh / Paredon „The Legacy of Ho Chi Minh“


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Ho Chi Minh / Paredon „The Legacy of Ho Chi Minh“

Nothing Is More Precious Than Independence and Freedom

Ho Chi Minh (1890-1969) led the fight for Vietnamese independence from 1941 until his death in 1969. This 1976 recording, produced by folk singer and political activist Barbara Dane, was issued a year after the fall of South Vietnam. The recording presents Ho Chi Minh through his writings and in songs praising his revolutionary zeal. Many of the speeches are presented in English by Vu Thien Dinh with two brief speeches by Ho in English. Two songs on the recording were written by Cubans and sung in Spanish.
The liner notes provide background information about Ho Chi Minh and the English text for his speeches and writings

Many of the speeches are presented in English by Vu Thien Dinh with two brief speeches by Ho in English. Two songs on the recording were written by Cubans and sung in Spanish.

1 Declaration of Independence of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam
2 Milestones
3 The Path Which Led Me to Leninism
4 Insomnio – Sleepless Night
5 Speech at Tours Congress
6 Evening Scene
7 Report on the National and Colonial Questions at the Fifth Congress of the Communist International
8 Vietnamese Women and French Domination
9 Four Months Have Passed
10 Appeal Made on the Occasion of the Founding of the Indochinese Communist Party
11 On Revolutionary Morality
12 Last Night I Dreamed of Uncle Ho
13 Appeal for Nationwide Resistance
14 Report on the Draft Amended Constitution
15 The Ballad of Ho Chi Minh
16 Answers to the Press
17 Thirty Years of Activity of the Party
18 The Leg Irons
19 Appeal to the Patriots and Fighters Throughout the Country
20 The Actual Voice of Ho Chi Minh
21 Su Nombre
22 Twilight
23 The Final Testement of Ho Chi Minh
24 Fine Weather

Paredon Records / Smithsonian Folkways, Audio-CD, 1970.

Paredon Records, gegründet 1969 durch Barbara Dane und Irwin Silber, wurde Bestandteil des antiimperialistischen Aufbruch. Das Label veröffentlichte die Musik aus Klassenkämpfen, von Befreiungsbewegungen; von revolutionären KünstlerInnen. Damit schuf Paredon eine Plattform (und ein Archiv) künstlerischen Ausdruck aus dem weltweiten Klassenkampf sichtbar zu machen. Revolutionäre Musik aus Cuba, Angola, Puerto Rico, Vietnam, Türkei, USA, und vielen weiteren Ländern sind hier veröffentlicht. Das Paredon Archive liegt bei Smithsonian Folkways Recordings in den USA.

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