Cash, Johnny „At Folsom Prison / At San Quentin“


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Johnny Cash „At Folsom Prison / At San Quentin“

CD 1 – At Folsom Prison

1 Folsom prison blues
2 Busted
3 Dark as the dungeon
4 I still miss someone
5 Cocaine blues
6 25 minutes to go
7 Orange blossom special
8 The long black veil
9 Send a picture of mother
10 The wall
11 Dirty old egg-suckin‘ sog
12 Flushed from the bathroom of your heart
13 Joe bean
14 Jackson
15 Give my love to rose
16 I got stripes
17 The legend of john henry’s hammer
18 Green, green grass of home
19 Greystone chapel


CD 2 – At San Quentin

1 Big river
2 I still miss someone
3 Wreck of the old 97
4 I walk the line
5 Darlin‘ companion
6 I don’t know where i’m bound
7 Starkville city jail
8 San quentin
9 San quentin
10 Wanted man
11 A boy named sue
12 (there’ll be) peace in the valley
13 Folsom prison blues
14 Ring of fire
15 He turned the water into wine
16 Daddy sang bass
17 The old account was settled long ago
18 The rebel

Audio CD, 2 Alben,

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0,1 bis0,5€ 1,95
0,51 bis0,99€ 2,25
1,0 bis1,0€ 5,40
1,01 bis2,99€ 6,30
3,0 bis4,99€ 7,20
5,0 bis9,99€ 9,40

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