Vietnam / Paredon „Songs of Liberation“


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Vietnam / Paredon: Songs of Liberation

Liberation Songs of the Vietnamese People. Recorded in Vietnam.

The Vietnam War, known in Vietnam as the Resistance War Against America, began in 1955 and continued until the fall of Saigon on April 30, 1975. In 1971, Paredon Records released a recording of political songs from North Vietnamese sources celebrating efforts of the National Liberation Front (NLF) against America’s involvement in the war. Several songs were composed following the 1967 Tet offensive (“Marching into Saigon” and “Chanting Our Victory”). None of the performers are identified in this recording. Musical instruments heard here are both native to Vietnam and imported from the West. The liner notes provide background information about each song with English translations of the lyrics.

01 Ly Con Sao / The Starling
02 Lullaby
03 Ly Tinh Tang / Sound of the Bird Song
04 T’rung Music
05 Am Hat Tan Anh Mot Ca Bai Ho
06 Ly Thuong Du
07 March to the Front Line
08 Pestle Thuds Resound in Bam Bo Village
09 The Tone of Uncle Ho
10 Wrest Back Power to the People
11 March Into Saigon
12 Chanting Your Victory
13 March Forward to Total Victory

Paredon Records / Smithsonian Folkways, Audio-CD, 1969 ff.

Paredon Records, gegründet 1969 durch Barbara Dane und Irwin Silber, wurde Bestandteil des antiimperialistischen Aufbruch. Das Label veröffentlichte die Musik aus Klassenkämpfen, von Befreiungsbewegungen; von revolutionären KünstlerInnen. Damit schuf Paredon eine Plattform (und ein Archiv) künstlerischen Ausdruck aus dem weltweiten Klassenkampf sichtbar zu machen. Revolutionäre Musik aus Cuba, Angola, Puerto Rico, Vietnam, Türkei, USA, und vielen weiteren Ländern sind hier veröffentlicht. Das Paredon Archive liegt bei Smithsonian Folkways Recordings in den USA.

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