Ho Chi Minh „Patriotism and Proletarian Internationalism“


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Ho Chi Minh: Patriotism and Proletarian Internationalism

The national liberation revolution…

…can only succeed if it accords with the world revolutionary movement and authentic patriotism in our time cannot dissociate itself from internationalism – this leading idea which has inspired the Vietnamese revolution for nearly half a century was introduced into Vietnam by President Ho Chi Minh. While struggling for its independence, the Vietnamese people knows that millions and millions of comrades and friends are fighting by its side and that it’s own sacrifices also serve the just cause of other peoples. With this in mind, we have collected writings and speeches of President Ho Chi Minh in the period from 1920 to 1969.

Hồ Chí Minh, Revolutionary, Communist, AntiImperialist.

University Press of the Pacific, 1979 / 2003, kartoniert, Sprache: Englisch, 224 Seiten

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